Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Organize for the New Year!!!

It's a New Year, and it's time for a new start. If your New Year's Resolution was to get more organized, you are definitely not alone. The survey indicates that for 2007, a whole lot of you made Time Management & Organization Resolutions. In fact here is the percentage of the people in the US polled who made the following resolutions:

  • Getting Organized 44%
  • Time Management 22%
  • Cleaning & Reducing Clutter 11%
  • Goals About Setting Goals 11% (now there's an interesting one)
  • Projects 11% (Actual goals people have recently set in this category:"To fix up the upstairs office""To plan my wedding""To weed all of the gardens""To wake up at 8:00""To control paperwork")
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Here are some ideas to help you get more organized:

  1. Plan ahead. Schedule the hours that you think it will take to get the job done. Start with one room at a time; you don't have to organize the whole house in one day. Break the job up into managable slots.
  2. Reduce the clutter - give away or throw out anything that you haven't used in the past year. If you haven't used it in the past 12 months, you are not likely to use it in the future.
  3. Recycle old magazines and newspapers.
  4. File away bills and other papers that are important, shred everything else with any personal information on it to prevent identity theft .
  5. Identify zones in each space. For example, the kitchen has cabinets to be reorganized, the refridgerator and freezer, workspaces, etc. Work on each zone, one at a time.
  6. Take advantage of the many organizer products available on the market. For the kitchen, has great drawer organizers, spice racks, canisters, and the like to help you to organize your kitchen. There are products for the office, and for time management, as well.

It will take you less time than you think to get organized, and you'll feel great about finishing this project!

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