Thursday, January 18, 2007

Express Yourself With Color!

Using paint in home decorating is a powerful way to express who you are, and how you want others to perceive your home. Most people are afraid to paint the walls of a room, thinking that the room will seem smaller, or because the commitment of color on the walls is intimidating. But don't depair! Redecorating with wall color can give your room a whole new updated look and feel!

Painting a room in your house can have many of positive effects. Color can make your home feel more comfortable and inviting to both you and to your guests, and your space will have a whole new updated and stylish appeal. You'll be surprised how such a simple change like changing the color of your room can improve your home!

Set a mood or tone with paint color

Something as simple as adding a splash of color to your walls can set any particular mood you might be going for.

  • Earthy tones like browns, and dark reds or greens give a warm and cozy feeling
  • Bold colors like bright blues, reds, or even purples are fun and funky
  • Subtle pastels like yellows, pinks, or light grays and blues are light and airy

Establish a theme with paint color

Wall color is an excellent start for a particular room theme that you may want to achieve. For example, if you are planning a nursery with a “moon and stars” theme, you could use a dark blue paint color, or even a lighter blue (for a baby girl’s room), to simulate the night sky. Wall color can literally be the backdrop to the room’s theme!

Express your personality with wall color

Adding wall color to a room not only improves its appearance, but it can also be a fun way to extend your personality. Your home is an extension of who you are. By expressing yourself through color and décor, you are showing the world your personality. Are you fun, laid back, or intense? Express yourself!

Make a room feel larger with wall color

Often people resist wall color fearing that it will box the room in, making it feel smaller. This is simply not true! In fact, many professional decorators use bold and darker hues to actually make a room feel larger. These colors help to blend the corners of a room together, literally making it feel larger, and giving the feeling of continuous space, and therefore, more space!

Define the limits of a room

Many modern floor plans are open. It is difficult to define where one room starts and another room begins. This can make painting somewhat difficult. However, by defining your spaces with wall color, you not only break up big white spaces, but you create a stylish living environment. Remember to try to coordinate the colors you choose for each space, though. Otherwise, the walls will look choppy rather than cozy or modern, and the effect you are going for will just not happen!

If you are afraid to paint the whole room one solid color then start with one wall in the room. Paint it the color of your choice! This one wall can act as an accent wall, or even be used to establish the focal point of the room, such as a fireplace, or a piece of art. You will be surprised at what a difference painting just one wall can make! Even the smallest change can make a big difference!

Don't be afraid of color on your walls! The good news is it’s only paint, it can be changed if it doesn’t look the way you envisioned it! Anyway, you never know. Take a chance with wall color, and you might just end up tapping into a hidden creativity that you never knew you had! Redecorating a room with paint color can change the entire look and feel of your home, and how you feel in it!

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