Sunday, November 11, 2007

10 Ways to Give a Room an Inexpensive Facelift

10 Ways to Give a Room an Inexpensive Facelift

It does not have to be expensive or difficult to decorate a room in your home . You can often achieve fabulous design results by spending small amounts of money on items that make a big impact, or by using items you already own. (Don't forget to check out your Grandmother's attic.)

  1. Paint will achieve the most dramatic difference and the most "bang for your buck" for your home. New paint automatically gives a room a fresh look for minimal cost; and, if you are able to do the work yourself, then there are even more savings.
  2. Rearrange your furniture. Try different configurations to see what adds space to the area, or alternatively to make a large room more cozy. Sometimes we get so used to a room as it is that we tend to forget to try the easy fixes.
  3. Bring pieces of furniture or other items in from other rooms. Or if a room is over crowded, take some pieces out. This is virtually cost-free and can make a huge difference in a room's look and comfort level. Use your imagination.
  4. Adding or changing the window coverings can create a different look and pulls a room together. Use fabric or materials that fit in with the rest of the room's decor. Save up to 85% Off Curtains & Draperies at American Blinds, Wallpaper & More
  5. Cover a sofa or chair with a beautiful throw or slipcover. It is a quick and inexpensive way to dress up old worn furniture.
  6. Use linens such as tablecloths to decorate tables, or new towels to spruce up a bathroom. Linens are an inexpensive and fun way to change a room. And, you can decorate for any number of seasonal or holiday themes with linens.
  7. Use different lighting effects to change the setting and bring an ambiance to your room. Often, just moving a light fixture or lamp to a different location in a room can make a big difference.
  8. Use plants to decorate, if you have a green thumb. Nice plants are a great way to add a sense of newness to a space. If you do not have a green thumb, consider very nice silk trees, flowers and plant. Today, they are very life like, and easy to take care of.
  9. Add art or pictures to the walls. Be creative. Make a collage of the places you've been, your kids, or grandchildren. Something as simple as a favorite photo blown up and put into an old picture frame can create a beautiful look.
  10. Try an area rug to change the look of a room. If you try laying the rug at different angles, you can achieve a look that is out of the ordinary.

Use your imagination and some of these decorating tips. You may just be able to make it look as if you spent a fortune and put a huge amount of work into the decor. Sometimes the best designs are the simplest and least expensive.


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